Welcome to Future Discovery Training Academy

Future Discovery Training Academy is a 100% black African owned entity registered under Companies Intellectual Property Commission. Aiming to become one of the national best private TVET College that offers wide range of full and short skills development courses.

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Start learning from our experts

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Enhance your skills with us now

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Trusted by 4890 students

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Learn the art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests and woodlands

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Timber harvesting

It is our main aim to continue producing high quality graduates who are responsive to the current challenges facing the forestry industry

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Clothing Manufacturing Processes

Aquire skills, knowledge and values to participate effectively in workplace activities within the CTFL manufacturing industries.

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FDTA's one & only mission is to extend your knowledge base

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Enrol for top market skills!

We qualified facilitators, assessors, and moderators under various SETA’s which includes and not limited to ETDP-SETA, FPMSETA, SERVICES SETA, AGRI-SETA etc

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